With the unwanted wall gone and doors and windows added
wherever possible, the 1,800-square-foot home came to life. Dutch
doors with their top halves flung open telegraph the relaxed, family-
friendly vibe. A mix of contemporary and country furniture, accessories
in citrus colors—including Chris’s collection of vibrant ’60s dishes, many
plastic—and the occasional mod-patterned chair or headboard make the
decorating playful and fun.
“Rather than have a big house with formal rooms, we prefer a smaller
home that is truly lived in,” Eric says. Every room sees maximum use,
especially the garage, which they converted into the boys’ game room.
It’s also home to laundry facilities formerly shoehorned into the kitchen.
“Chris and I live by the mantra that a practical house is one in which
you touch every surface every day,” Eric says. “With five of us and a dog
in a small space, we definitely do.”
Awning windows flanking
the range and the absence
of upper cabinets keep the
kitchen airy. Old cooking
magazine covers, framed
and matted in yellow and
brown, are inexpensive
art. The roomy island is a
homework station,
for Henry, 11,
and J.P.,
9. It becomes a buffet when
their parents entertain.
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